Children can call Santa via MyKi watch by Telenor

Ное 28, 2017 news 0 comments

As of December 1, 2017, children can call Santa Claus and share with him their wishes for holiday gifts via MyKi or MyKi Touch watch by Telenor. After the call, parents get a recording of the conversation.

The MyKi Santa Clause Hotline campaign is available every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. until December 21, 2017, including, while a pre-recorded message will be broadcast in the remaining hours. Each MyKi watch can facilitate only one call to Santa. Parents can listen to the recorded voice messages until December 31, 2017.

More information on the MyKi Santa Clause Hotline campaign will be available on the official website of the operator as of December 1, 2017. More information on the Myki Touch watch is available on the company website here.

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